WP2-5: Intelligent Systems
Room: Convention Hall No. 14, Level 3 < map >
Time: 16:05-17:55
Wednesday October 11, 2006
Chairs: Ceravola Antonello, Xueshan Gao
#1 (16:05~16:23)
Paper ID: 35
Title: Development of an Embedded Control Platform of a Continuous Passive Motion Machine
Authors: Yili Fu, Fuxiang Zhang, Shuguo Wang, Qinggang Meng
#2 (16:23~16:41)
Paper ID: 219
Title: Collision Detection and Safe Reaction with the DLR-III Lightweight Manipulator Arm
Authors: Alessandro De Luca, Alin Albu-Schaffer, Sami Haddadin, Gerd Hirzinger
#3 (16:41~16:59)
Paper ID: 306
Title: Integrated Research and Development Environment for Real-Time Distributed Embodied Intelligent Systems
Authors: Antonello Ceravola, Frank Joublin, Mark Dunn, Julian Eggert, Marcus Stein, Christian Goerick
#4 (16:59~17:17)
Paper ID: 1118
Title: Study on the Symmetry of Evolutionary Robotic System
Authors: Xueshan Gao, Koki Kikuchi, Xiaobing Wu, Katsuya Kanai, Keisuke Somiya
#5 (17:17~17:35)
Paper ID: 1781
Title: RTOC: A Rt-Linux Based Open Robot Controller
Authors: Hua Xu, Peifa Jia

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