WP2-4: Grasping Optimization
Room: Convention Hall No. 5, Level 2 < map >
Time: 16:05-17:55
Wednesday October 11, 2006
Chairs: Ji-Hun Bae, Satoshi Ito
#1 (16:05~16:23)
Paper ID: 700
Title: Grasping Force Optimization for Whole Hand Grasp
Authors: Jijie Xu, Yunjiang Lou, Zexiang Li
#2 (16:23~16:41)
Paper ID: 1203
Title: Optimal Direction of Grasped Object Minimizing Contact Forces
Authors: Satoshi ITO, Yuuki Mizukoshi, Koji Ishihara, Minoru Sasaki
#3 (16:41~16:59)
Paper ID: 1628
Title: Chaos Optimization Strategy on Fuzzy-immune-PID Control of the Turbine Governing System
Authors: Shuangxin Wang, Yan Jiang, Hui Yang
#4 (16:59~17:17)
Paper ID: 542
Title: Computing All Force-Closure Grasps of 2D Objects from Contact Point Set
Authors: Nattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang
#5 (17:17~17:35)
Paper ID: 998
Title: Reaching to Grasp and Preshaping of Multi-DOFs Robotic Hand-Arm Systems Using Approximate Configuration of Objects
Authors: Ji-Hun Bae, Suguru Arimoto, Yuuichi Yamamoto, Hiroe Hashiguchi, Masahiro Sekimoto
#6 (17:35~17:53)
Paper ID: 714
Title: Design Considerations for Underactuated Grasp with a one D.O.F. Anthropomorphic Finger Mechanism
Authors: Marco Ceccarelli, Cristina Tavolieri, Zhen Lu

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