WP2-12: Mobile Robots II
Room: Convention Hall No. 16B, Level 3 < map >
Time: 16:05-17:55
Wednesday October 11, 2006
Chairs: Agrawal Motilal, Mamoru Minami
#1 (16:05~16:23)
Paper ID: 1374
Title: Modeling Skidding and Slipping in Wheeled Mobile Robots: Control Design Perspective
Authors: Danwei Wang, Chang Boon Low
#2 (16:23~16:41)
Paper ID: 1240
Title: Fastest Guidance Control with Acceleration Restriction of PWS Mobile Robot
Authors: Yasuhiro Yazaki, Takeshi Ikeda, Mamoru Minami, Yasushi Mae
#3 (16:41~16:59)
Paper ID: 1198
Title: Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Based on Improved RBF Neural Networks
Authors: Shirong Liu, Qijiang Yu, Weijie Lin, Simon X. Yang
#4 (16:59~17:17)
Paper ID: 536
Title: 3-D Object Map Building Using Dense Object Models with SIFT-based Recognition Features
Authors: Masahiro Tomono
#5 (17:17~17:35)
Paper ID: 1448
Title: A Lie Algebraic Approach for Consistent Pose Registration for General Euclidean Motion
Authors: Motilal Agrawal

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