WP1-9: Navigation II
Room: Convention Hall No. 8, Level 2 < map >
Time: 14:00-15:50
Wednesday October 11, 2006
Chairs: Chris Urmson, Jun Xiao
#1 (14:00~14:18)
Paper ID: 177
Title: Mobile Sensor Navigation with Miniature Active Camera for Structure Inspection
Authors: Weihua Sheng, Yantao Shen, Ning Xi
#2 (14:18~14:36)
Paper ID: 725
Title: A Hybrid Robot Navigation Approach Based on Partial Planning and Emotion-based Behavior Coordination
Authors: Huidi Zhang, Shirong Liu, Simon X. Yang
#3 (14:36~14:54)
Paper ID: 1507
Title: Driving Beyond Stopping Distance Constraints
Authors: Chris Urmson
#4 (14:54~15:12)
Paper ID: 504
Title: The Trajectory Parameter Space (TP-Space): A New Space Representation for Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot Reactive Navigation
Authors: Jose-Luis Blanco, Javier Gonzalez, Juan-Antonio Fernandez-Madrigal
#5 (15:12~15:30)
Paper ID: 2068
Title: Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Localization and Appication to Pipeline Robot
Authors: Hongjun Chen, Xiaohua Zhang, Junyuan Li
#6 (15:30~15:48)
Paper ID: 339
Title: Bioinspired Auditory Sound Localisation for Improving the Signal to Noise Ratio of Socially Interactive Robots
Authors: John C. Murray, Stefan Wermter, Harry R. Erwin

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