FP1-16: General Sensor or Networks
Room: Convention Hall No. 16C, Level 3 < map >
Time: 14:00-15:50
Friday October 13, 2006
Chairs: Hideki Hashimoto, Jean-Marc Breguet
#1 (14:00~14:18)
Paper ID: 2092
Title: Research on the Hierarchical Supervisory Control of Underwater Glider
Authors: Yu Zhang, Jiaping Tian, Donghai Su, Shijie Wang
#2 (14:18~14:36)
Paper ID: 1465
Title: Adaptive Control of Heterogeneous Marine Sensor Platforms in an Autonomous Sensor Network
Authors: Donald P. Eickstedt, Michael R. Benjamin, Henrik Schmidt, John J. Leonard
#3 (14:36~14:54)
Paper ID: 446
Title: Autonomous Detection of Safe Landing Areas for an UAV from Moncular Images
Authors: Sebastien Bosch, Simon Lacroix, Fernando Caballero
#4 (14:54~15:12)
Paper ID: 441
Title: Solar Cell Powering with Integrated Global Positioning System for mm3 Size Robots
Authors: A. Boletis, W. Driesen, J.-M. Breguet, A. Brunete
#5 (15:12~15:30)
Paper ID: 11
Title: Multisensor Integration for Declaring the Odor Source of a Plume in Turbulent Fluid-Advected Environments
Authors: Wei Li, Mohamoud M. Elgassier, Carl Bloomquist, Karan Srivastava
#6 (15:30~15:48)
Paper ID: 531
Title: Multi-robot Coordination for Elusive Target Interception Aided by Sensor Networks
Authors: Xiaoning Shan, Jindong Tan

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