FA2-1: Force Control
Room: Convention Hall No. 3, Level 3 < map >
Time: 10:45-12:15
Friday October 13, 2006
Chairs: Christian Ott, Mingguo Zhao
#1 (10:45~11:03)
Paper ID: 199
Title: Geometric Contouring Control on the Smooth Surface
Authors: Dongjun Zhang, Yunjiang Lou, Zexiang Li
#2 (11:03~11:21)
Paper ID: 380
Title: A Cartesian Compliance Controller for a Manipulator Mounted on a Flexible Structure
Authors: Christian Ott, Alin Albu-Schaeffer, Gerd Hirzinger
#3 (11:21~11:39)
Paper ID: 881
Title: A New Method of Force Control for Unknown Environments
Authors: Vishnu Mallapragada, Duygun Erol, Nilanjan Sarkar
#4 (11:39~11:57)
Paper ID: 1251
Title: A Hybrid Controller of Adaptive and Learning Control for Geometrically Constrained Robot Manipulators
Authors: Sumito Nakada, Tomohide Naniwa
#5 (11:57~12:15)
Paper ID: 889
Title: Decentrailized Robust Control of Uncertain Robots with Backlash and Flexibility at Joints
Authors: Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong, Wenli Xu, Mingguo Zhao

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