Registration Policies
Author Registration: At least one
author must commit to attend the conference to present the
paper/video and will comply with conference registration policy.
One registration fee at the advance registration rates must be
paid by one of the authors before uploading the final version of
the paper/video for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
The deadline for author registration is July 15, 2006.
Page Limit: A total of six (6)
camera-ready pages, including figures, are allowed for each
paper. Up to 2 additional pages will be permitted for a charge
of $200 USD for each additional page. If your paper has more
than six pages, please fill out the
Extra Page Charge Payment Form (PDF,
Word) and mail or fax it to IROS 2006 (address on the
form). The entire paper will not be included in the
proceedings without proper payment for extra pages. |