What is a decisive difference between a
mechanical hand and our human hand? The robot hand can not be a
versatile tool, even if it is made to resemble a human hand
exactly in shape and mechanism. Even at the present age of
robotics, it is too clumsy to perform a variety of ordinary
tasks that a human encounters in his or her everyday life. In
this talk, I claim that the clumsiness manifests the lack of
knowledge of everyday physics and as well the lack of scheme for
designing an artificial CNS (Central Nervous System) for the
robot so as to cope with its sophisticated interplays with
environments of everyday tasks. Here, the term "everyday
physics" is used as a scientific domain related to
accountability of dexterous accomplishment of ordinary tasks
through manipulating things, with or without sensing and with or
without consciousness as seen in ordinary human life. Here,
design of an artificial CNS should be a domain of science and
engineering that should be called "human robotics". It should be
a core of robotics that attempts to unveil secrets of human
intelligent behaviors from perception to action and vice versa.
Actually, a half century ago N. A. Bernstein was enthusiastic in
perceiving the mysteries of dexterity of human movements with
redundant Degrees-of-Freedom regardless of illposedness of
inverse kinematics. Our multifingered hand must be a wonderful
organ with redundant joints that exhibits the mysteries of
dexterity and versatility but still hides a secret of how
adequately the central nervous system evokes neuro-motor
This talk discusses on what must be a
breakthrough toward "human robotics" through illustrating two
simple but mysterious (unsolved) problems: 1) multi-joint
point-to-point reaching movements with redundant DOFs and 2)
3-Dimensional stable grasping and object manipulation by a
multi-fingered hand with redundant joints. The importance of
incorporative approach of robotics and brain science is
emphasized throughout the talk. |
Professor Suguru Arimoto was born on 3 August 1936 in
Hiroshima, Japan. He received B.S. degree in mathematics from
Kyoto University, Japan, in 1959 and Dr. Eng. Degree in control
engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1967. From
1959 to 1961 he was with Oki Electric Industry Co.Ltd., Tokyo,
as an engineer in Electric Computer Department. From 1962 to
1967 he was Research Assistant, and from 1967 to 1968 Lecturer
in the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information
Physics, the University of Tokyo. In 1968 he jointed the Faculty
of Engineering Science at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, as
Associate Professor, and in 1973 he was promoted as Professor of
Systems Engineering. In 1988 he was invited to join the
University of Tokyo as Professor of the Department of
Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics. In 1997 he
retired from the University of Tokyo and moved to Ritsumeikan
University, where he contributed to establishment of a new
department. Since 1997 he has been Professor in the Department
of Robotics. His research interests are in information theory,
control theory, cybernetics, robotics, and machine intelligence.
In recent years, he is anxious to unveil secrets of dexterity of
human movements from the standpoint of robotics. He is IEEE
Fellow (1983), IEICE Fellow (2000), RSJ Fellow (2003), and JSME
Fellow (2005), and was awarded the Royal Medal with a Purple
Ribbon from the Japanese Government in 2000, and the IEEE 3rd
Millennium Medal from the IEEE in 2000, and the IEEE Robotics
and Automation Society Pioneer Award in 2006.