Procedure to Check Your PDF Using IEEE PDF eXpress



You are required to check the IEEE Xplore compatibility of the PDF file of your camera-ready paper by IEEE PDF eXpress web service.  You need to submit the compliance email along with your camera-ready PDF.

IEEE PDF eXpress service can be accessed by the following steps:

  1. Login IEEE PDF eXpress site and input Conference ID as iros06
  • If you are first-time users:
  1. Click "New Users -- Click Here".
  2. Input iros06 for Conference ID, your email address, and choose a new password.  Continue to input the prompted information.
  3. You will receive online and email confirmation for successful account setup.
  • If you are previous users, but using it for IROS 2006 for the first time:
  1. Input iros06 for Conference ID, your email address, and your password for your old account.  Click "Login" button.
  2. You get an error saying that you need to set up an account.  Click "Continue".
  3. Enable your account to access IROS 2006 conference by inputting your previously used email address and password.
  4. Make sure your contact information is still valid and click "Submit".
  5. You will receive online and email confirmation for successful account setup.
  • If you are returning users:
    1. Input iros06 for Conference ID, your email address, and your password for your old account.
    2. Click "Login" button.


  1. For each camera-ready paper, click "Create New Title".
  2. Enter Identifying text for the paper, for example your paper title.
  3. Click "Submit PDF for Checking".
  4. Input your platform and source file type (if applicable).  Click "Browse" and select your PDF file.  Click "Upload File" and you will receive online and email confirmation for successful file upload.
  5. You will receive an email with your checked PDF.  
  • If your file passes the check, you need to submit this email as a text file with your camera-ready paper PDF.
  • If your file fails the check, Click "The PDF Check Report" in the sidebar to get information for the errors in your file and suggestions for generation of correct PDF.  You may also click "Request Technical Help" for technical support in your account.