Organized/Special Session Guidelines

The proposal for an IROS 2006 organized/special session must be submitted to the IROS 2006 Organized/Special Session Chair, Prof. Shugen Ma, at , before the due date of January 15, 2006.

1. An IROS OS/SS proposal must focus on an area of interest to the IROS community (please refer to the IROS 2006 keyword list).

2. An OS/SS should have 4 papers at the minimum and 8 papers at the maximum.

3. If an OS/SS proposal is submitted by January 15, 2006 which meets the above two requirements, the OS/SS organizer will be notified of the acceptance result of the proposal by February 5, 2006. The authors in the OS/SS will be invited to submit their papers by the IROS 2006 submission deadline, February 15, 2006.

4. Based on (1) and (2) above, the acceptance/rejection decision will be made by the OS/SS chair to whom the original proposal was submitted, as will the invitation for full-paper submission.


  Proposals for
organized/special sessions
January 15, 2006  
  Notification of
acceptance results
February 5, 2006  
Submission of
full-length papers
February 15, 2006  

5. Papers in an OS/SS proposal will undergo the same review process as other IROS papers. Only when there is no consensus among the reviewers will the judgment of the OS/SS chairs be the tie-breaker.

6. The Program Chair, in consultation with the OS/SS chair, reserves the right to delete or insert papers into an OS/SS when arranging the technical program. Every effort will be made to keep all the papers in an OS/SS proposal in the same session, although this may not be possible in all cases. If there are less than four papers accepted within an OS/SS proposal, the corresponding session will be treated as a regular session rather than an organized or special session.